Margaretville, NY
Located on the east branch of the Delaware River, Margaretville is home to the annual Firemen's 4th of July Carnival and two dazzling displays of fireworks.
Down Home Lifestyle
Margaretville, otherwise known as the “Cauliflower Capital of the World,” is a village at the base of Pakatakan Mountain on the east branch of the Delaware River. Bordering the Catskill Park, Margaretville is a charming town with shops, restaurants, antique stores, art galleries, a beautiful supermarket, and a burgeoning artist’s community.
Small Town Vibes
Home to the annual Firemen’s Fourth of July Carnival, and not one, but two, dazzling displays of fireworks that echo off the mountains, Margaretville truly represents small town America at its best. The movie, “You Can Count On Me,” starring Laura Dern and Mark Ruffalo, was also filmed here.